Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (also known as Terminator 2) is an American science fiction dystopian action film that grossed $523.7 million over a budget of between $94 and $102 million, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1991.  It is a sequel to The Terminator (1984) and is the second film in the Terminator franchise.  It is rated M for science fiction themes, violence and coarse language (in Australia).  The following are the 10 most recent reviews for the film on IMDb.




lburger-246767 January 2019
T2 features thrilling action sequences and eye-popping visual effects, but what takes this sci-fi/ action landmark to the next level is the depth of the human (and cyborg) characters.
SlyGuy216 January 2019

Warning: Spoilers

“T2” takes everything the original “Terminator” did right, and tops it. The action sequences are better, the movie’s longer, the characters are more developed, and the effects are superb. On top of all that, the movie makes sense, it doesn’t feel like a soulless sequel just made to get your money. Thanks to Robert Patrick’s chilling performance, the movie also draws on the best aspects from horror movies like “The Thing”. John goes from a 90s brat, to a responsible kid. Sarah goes from paranoid to trusting independent woman. And Arnold is given more room to grow instead of just being a killing machine. Also, the movie is a fitting end to the series, as everythig that could be done to avoid the apocalypse is done. Skynet is detroyed, Cyberdyne is destroyed, and the world is saved. Forget all the Terminator films that come after this, they have no reason to exist. The effects have also aged incredibly well, and don’t stick out at all in action scenes. “Terminator 2” is not only one of the best sequels ever made, it’s one of the best made period. It is everything a sequel should be. Harder, better, faster, stronger, and very few sequels have been able to top it.
jaygeuder3 January 2019
This would have been a 10 if no further sequels had been made, illegitimizing this one. I don’t think further sequels were planned, which is why this ended perfectly. If there’s a dime to be made, leaving well-enough alone will never happen. SMH.
AbominablePursuits31 December 2018
This is the best sequel of all time. The bad becomes the good, and then morality and what it means to be human is questioned. Action in this movie is beautiful, as and so is the concepts behind it. Its a robot man coming to kill you. What’s scarier?
salokasalem30 December 2018

Warning: Spoilers

Terminator is Adream of all kids in this time. this film shapes a personalty. when we ware children..
craigcorpuz27 December 2018

Warning: Spoilers

Ok, wow im impressed this movie was so good, the ending almost made me cry, So much action in this movie wow whoever hates this movie probably doesnt have a soul this movie gave so much effort to make the audience entertained, WOW one of the best movies i’ve ever seen, this movie made me so entertained that my eyes were attached to the TV screen, keep up the good work :))
thomasriiz26 December 2018
If you haven’t watched this movie yet, you better start streaming, cause this is what action movies are all about! Great story, incredible stunt-work and, considering it’s time, the visual effect are just awesome. It’s certainly a plus if you watch the first movie in the series, but don’t worry if you haven’t, you’ll be up to speed in no time. It’s a perfect cast for the perfect action movie. You won’t be disappointed.


10: Absolute masterpiece! 9: Uniquely great movie. 8: Great movie. 7: Good Movie. 6: MMnnyeaah, That’s a pretty good movie. 5: Nothing special at all. 4: MMnneaaah, That’s a pretty bad movie. 3: Bad Movie. 2: Uniquely bad movie. 1: Absolute ****!

borgetti-7134525 December 2018
Biggest man and legend of all time. Dedicated to the greatest sport of all time. Arnold is in my heart ever and forever.
koolkruzer28 November 2018
You either a Terminator fan or just a Schwarzenegger fan. Either way this was the best take. Judgement Day(1991). The background story is absolutely true. Man (MAD) has the power to destroy the earth and other planets. However it wont be Divinely authorized. Powerful story if you get into it. James Cameron was definitely inspired on another level or just a good dreamer. Either way he graduated from cigars for smoke and a light switch to a epic cutting edge technological masterpiece, setting a precedent to follow.
arjunflamingfeather25 November 2018
THE TERMINATOR : JUDGMENT DAY is a victory in storytelling and action with few adult scenes that need sensor but on the whole a triumph.
[What do you think of this movie?  Be sure to let me know in the comments!  Also, send me your review of any movie, and I’ll post it on this site.]

15 thoughts on “Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

  1. Those movies were huge when they came out when I was a kid. Loved those! I had a buddy from college who ended up moving to California and working for the production company that did Terminator 3 or 4, can’t remember which one. Love the whole story with the franchise of Terminator movies. We live in Skynet now in real life! Hope the machines never take over. 😄

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’ve seen all 5 of them. They are supposed to be coming out with Terminator 6 this year. Another Arnold movie that my friends and I loved was Predator. The original Terminator and Predator are classic 80s movies! They show the movies from both franchises a lot on TV and the movie channels here.

        Liked by 2 people

              1. Oh man, you are bringing back memories. Yeah, Gremlins was a huge hit! So scary when we were kids! Now it’s hilarious to see them. My sister had a Gizmo stuffed animal. That little buddy was the best, so cute! Don’t feed them after midnight!

                Liked by 2 people

                  1. Yeah, Titanic came out in December of 1997, my Sophomore year in college. I was home for Christmas break and saw it at a theater. There was actually an old lady at the movie theater who was signing autographs and talking with people because she had been on the Titanic. It was cool. They still show that movie on TV all the time here. There is also something I’ve noticed about TV here and that is you can find a Jurassic Park movie playing on some channel every day. Must be some deal with Spielberg. 😄

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